How to raise a verification request to submit the report with a foreign embassy or institute?

How to raise a verification request to submit the report with a foreign embassy or institute?

How can I apply for the Foreign Embassy verification or for applying to a foreign institute? (WES/ Transcripts are different)
1. Search the Institute for the verification purpose.
2. Select the option
4. Upload the document as per the T&C & Make the payment online.

How can I download the report?
1. Login to Docswallet Login
2. Click on E-share for sharing the report, Click on the down arrow for downloading and previewing the verified document.

How can I share the report?
1. Login to the Docswallet account
2. Click on the E-share
3. Share the verified document with listed partners or to any email under Non-listed partners.

How will I know my sharing is successful?
Once the sharing is made successful, a confirmation email will be received to your email along with the Auth.code & Ref.number.

How will the authority get my shared report?
Once shared, the authority will receive the email confirmation to log in to their downloader account. The shared user can then share the Auth.code & ref. number to the authority for the downloading the report for full filling the requirements.

If the sharing is made from outside India, Please change the Country under the account settings from your Docswallet account.
If any users who looking for Transcripts/ WES are suggested not to proceed with the option.

World Education Services (WES) 

To know list's of Institution providing Digital application Service, (“Apply for WES”),  and their procedure, Click Here